GEN Announces New Affiliate to Support Entrepreneurs in India

GEN India Affiliate Launch GEC 2016
GEN India to strengthen startup ecosystem, up-skill workforce, promote startup financing and simplify regulatory burdens

WASHINGTON, DC — The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) announced today that it is opening a new affiliate in India to promote entrepreneurial growth and help entrepreneurs start and scale new businesses. With entrepreneurship on the rise in the country, GEN India will work to ensure that the opportunity to launch a new firm will be open to all.

“Startups can flourish in all parts of the world, not just well-established tech hubs like Silicon Valley,” said Jonathan Ortmans, president of the Global Entrepreneurship Network. “The government in India has been a great and active proponent of entrepreneurial growth and we look forward to contributing to that effort and connecting the ecosystem to a global movement that reaches 160 countries.”

GEN is a platform of programs and initiatives that help align a varied collection of players, programs and information to better support entrepreneurship.

GEN India will provide national leadership in the effort by: convening and connecting ecosystem players; amplifying outreach and increasing awareness; evaluating and endorsing tried and tested programs; serving as a source of quantifiable data and qualitative information; and acting as a hub for sharing knowledge and experience.

“We need to make sure access to entrepreneurship is open to all, and that is how GEN will play a big role — fostering and strengthening the whole entrepreneurship movement in India and ensuring that a proper ecosystem can be created,” said Yatin Thakur who will serve as the acting managing director of GEN India. “Our first task is to make sure we bring in all large organizations, foundations, education institutions, successful entrepreneurs, investors and policymakers and we should put them all on par with each other to understand what needs to be done.”

The announcement comes on the heels of U.S. President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing that the 2017 Global Entrepreneurship Summit will take place in India. Thakur and GEN India will contribute to the preparations for the summit.

“It’s exciting for us, because with the GES we will be able to attract all large entrepreneurship ecosystem developers and investors, as well as some really strong, innovative entrepreneurs to visit the country and get to see our ecosystem — and see a global exchange of ideas as well as businesses,” Thakur added.

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